Our mission is to work together with Canadian writers, educators and publishing professionals to pursue excellence in educational publishing.
GTK Learning Portal
Enhanced features:
- Geometric and graphing tools
- Cloud storage
- Classroom management
- Print content capabilities
- Ministry recommended resouorce
Ministry Approved 2023
Grades 1 - 8
Available in print and
online formats
Ontario Mathematics
Curriculum 2020
Coming soon
Ontario Science & Technology Curriculum 2022

MATH NOW Highlights
- Conceptual understanding combined with procedural fluency
- Real-world relevance
- Social-Emotional Learning skills
- Printable practise questions
- Coding support for teachers
- Differentiated and ELL instruction strategies, including readiness indicators
- Assessment strategies and tools to evaluate and report students’ achievement
- Available in print formats

STEM NOW Highlights
Coming Soon
- Science and Technology investigations are integrated into the STEM projects.
- Learn coding using Micro:bit MakeCode and Scratch web editing platform including applications using a variety of input/output sensor modules.
- Today’s living of Indigenous Peoples and the cultures and achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Métis are integrated into each learning unit.
- A wide range of engaging activities are provided to explore science and technology.
- Aligns with Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum, Grades 1-8 (2022).

About GTK
Our mission is to work together with Canadian writers, educators and publishing professionals to pursue excellence in educational publishing.
The emergence of the digital world changed the elementary learning landscape rapidly. Today’s students are growing up with digital devices and the Internet. Yet printed books are preferred by many teachers and students. We commit to publishing high quality educational solutions to meet the needs of all students.
Established in 1996 and having published over 400 titles, our offerings include mainly Ministry approved resources. GTK Press has created a safe and effective online learning environment for students and teachers, incorporating protections for sensitive information and data. The GTK Learning Platform is a proprietary platform used solely to deliver our course materials.
Our Feedbacks
Great team here. I worked with them as a vendor, and I am impressed with the effort and care they put into their product!
Douglas Jarvis
Frequently Asked Questions
What is GTK Learning Portal?
The GTK Learning Portal is a learning platform designed for teachers to deliver the Ontario curriculums. Features include
- Ontario Ministry approved resources.
- Customizable and printable content.
- Support multiple classrooms.
- Cloud operations: graphing and geometric drawing and storage.
Free student access
How do I set up my account?
Request a unique school access code from GTK Press. All teachers from the same school will share the same code.
Teachers create their accounts with a valid email address. Students have the option of registering using their email addresses or usernames once their teacher has created an account.
Do students pay to access the GTK Learning Platform?
Students do not pay to access the GTK Learning Platform.
What resources do you offer?
The MATH NOW series supporting the Ontario Grades 1 - 8 Math Curriculum (2020) has been fully published and approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
The STEM NOW will be rolled out in 2024 -2025 and is expected to be submitted to the Ministry for evaluation by mid-2025.
Who are the authors?
Our authors are all Canadian teachers, educators, and publishing professionals.
Do you still offer print resources such as textbooks and workbooks?
Yes, we do.
How do I place an order?
You have two options:
- Go to our webstore and place the orders.
- Download our digital order form, complete the order and email it to us at info@gtkpress.com. Freight and taxes will be calculated for shipment within Canada. Please contact info@gtkpress.com for overseas order.
Who do I contact if I want further information?
Please send an email to info@gtkpress.com and we look forward to working with you.
Order Form
Math Now Order Form
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STAR English Order Form
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STAR French Order Form
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